About Us.
We are a 100% Nigerian Company. Registered in 2008, our Systems Certification unit has become a first point of reference nationwide in Management Systems Consultancy leading to various ISO certifications for large, medium and small organizations. Our Health, Safety and Environment segment has pioneered significant cultural change through training courses for the Oil & Gas, Manufacturing, Government, private sectors, Universities, NGOs etc.
From the CEO's Desk.
In carrying out our services of Quality and Safety consultancy, it is the Policy of Occupational Safety Consultants Ltd to meet, and where possible, exceed the expectations of ALL interested parties in conformance with the detects of ISO 9001:2015.
The CEO is committed and responsible for this policy, its periodic review for suitability, distribution to staff and other interested parties and for the continuous improvement of the entire Quality Management System (QMS).
Kelvin Acka
Managing Director/CEO